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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

Merry Christmas to everybody! Today is my first Christmas abroad. It is also my first Christmas ALONE!!! I live by myself here in Liverpool and all my British friends are enjoying the Holiday with their families. I have kept myself busy today by doing laundry from the weeks worth of wrestling matches that I've had, dishes, and cooking. It's just a normal day for me it seems. I have called my family back home and told them that I miss them and that I hope they're enjoying their time together. My brother Shaun and his family are home, and I regret not seeing them.

I also managed to get a short workout in this morning that consisted of some deep breathing exercises that I learned from Matt Furey's Combat Abs, and I also did 200 Hindu Squats.
Early tomorrow morning I am back on the road again that consists of 6 straight days of Butlins Holiday Camps, then I'm off to France on January 2 for two weeks of wrestling work at La Reunion, an Island in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar.

I'm looking forward to posting some of my VOWS for 2008. Yes, Vows, not resolutions. Last year I made vows and I was able to keep all of them, unlike other years where I made corny resolutions and not keep any of them.

Hope everybody enjoys their Christmas, and I look forward to posting again soon. In the meantime check out my official website and official myspace .

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

First week in the UK 2007

I’ve arrived in England and have been very busy wrestling, training, and trying to settle into my apartment at the same time. I’ve changed my training regime around a bit. It’s been over 16 months since I’ve last lifted weights and have trained exclusively on bodyweight training alone. I’ve added some simple weight training exercises to my “combat conditioning” style of training. I’ve also added time working out in the sauna to conclude my workouts. Below have been my workouts this week:
50 Hindu Pushups with Portable Power Jumper
100 Regular Pushups with Power Pushup 2
25 Dive Bomber Pushups
Bench Press: 50 repetitions with 135 lbs.
Sauna 17 minutes: 100 Hindu Squats, 100 regular pushups

40 Pullups (4x10; different grips: pronated, supinated, close grip, mixed grip)
3x15 Rows (pronated grip bent row, supinated grip bent row, seated row)
3x15 Lat Pulldown
Sauna 25 minutes: 150 Hindu Squats

Hand Stand Pushups 3x 10
Chest Expander exercises
Wall Walking 3x10
Shoulder Press 50 reps at 135 lbs
Bridging 3 minutes

Monday, October 15, 2007

New Cape! New Mistresses!

My recent trip to Japan was great mostly because I got a new cape and some ladies to take to the ring with me. Unfortunately, I had to leave the ladies in Japan but purchased the new cape to take home and wear to the ring. I am thinking about purchasing the ladies' Metal Mistress gear so I can take to all my shows and maybe have some beautiful area ladies accompany me to the ring wearing the outfits.
My experience with the wrestling company I worked for, Zero One MAX, was not a good one. The company showed no respect towards me whatsoever. No plane ticket, no contract, no hotel, no schedule, no work visa. As unprofessional as their company may be, their wrestlers are top notch. I was very happy with the match that I had with a young Battlarts wrestler named SAWA. He is one to watch for, and I'm happy that the Battlarts promotion, that I worked for in 2000, is making a comeback. I do not plan on returning to Z-1 MAX, but hopefully will be returning to Japan shortly for another company, preferrably MUGA.
My 3 day trip to Germany was much more fun than my Japan trip. My friend, Fischi, took great care of me and I rewarded her with free tickets to all the shows. I was very proud of all my matches in Hannover, especially my match with Doug Williams. Doug is an outstanding performer and one of my favorites to get in the ring and mix it up with. Of the best 5 matches I've ever had, I'd have to say one of them is a match with Doug in Salisbury, England. Unfortunately, I do not have that one on video. The treatment by the EWP promotion was excellent as always and I will always love the opportunity to come back and work for them.
That is all for now. Hopefully be back soon with more!
Take care,

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Indy Wrestling; Benoit; Training

Hello everybody! Sorry it's been over a week since my last post. Haven't had much to write since I've mostly spent the past week starting up my own Personal Trainer business, and trying to get wrestling bookings. It is almost a waste of time to go out and work on getting independent bookings. Independent wrestling, really is only slight step higher than backyard wrestling. There are rarely professionally trained "wrestlers" and can be very dangerous getting in the ring with most of them because their top priority is not safetey, but showing off their cool moves that learned from watching lucha libre and japanese wrestling. Not to mention, the pay is rotten; however, right now I'm just trying to get exposure and work on some new moves so I'm not really that interested in pay as much as I am improving on my game, and "character."
I do have to put over the NWA Indiana promotion based out of Lafayette, Indiana. They are without a doubt my favorite independent organizatioin to work for. There top priority is drawing lots of people and entertaining them with a quality family entertainment show. While a vast majority of independent promotions are advertising their shows on myspace and their message boards, NWA Indiana actually advertise in papers, radio, put flyers in pizza place boxes, etc., and usually draw over 300 per show as compared to 50 like most others that I do. They do not have more than 6 matches on a show, and usually finish up a little over two hours so the fans aren't burned out. Seriously, I have actually worked many shows that last over 4 hours. I couldn't imagine going to watch a movie that lasts 4 hours. Pro Wrestling shows shouldn't be any different.

I have been talking to some major promotions in Japan and Mexico, and hope to have some big news soon concerning international tours.

I could probably write about the Chris Benoit tragedy, but really I can't say anything that hasn't been said already. He was a super person, and the most dedicated professional wrestler/athlete I have ever been around. Something set this man off weeks ago and the only ones that will ever know what truly caused all this are Chris and Nancy. I will never forget his friendliness and encouragement towards me, along with his dedication and work ethic to be the absolute best.

Been doing my workouts this week in the mornings as I've volunteered to open up the high school weight room in town here for the athletes. I do not lift weights anymore, as I quit doing weight training last summer while I was in Europe. I only do bodyweight calistenics now, and it is amazing how much better my body feels. I am pain-free now, as opposed to having back, knee, and shoulder problems when I was weight training.

I plan on giving some samples and pictures of my training routines soon.

Have a great day!

The Metal Master

Sunday, July 8, 2007


Hello everybody and welcome to the new Metal Master website. I hope to update my blog regularly with wrestling news, diet/fitness advice, along with my thoughts of today's pro wrestling world.

I really hope to update my wrestling calendar soon. It is not that I have neglected to update it, I just do not have many wrestling bookings in the month of July. I have a few to add but it appears to be a very slow month so far. I do have other things going on that are keeping me busy though. I have been training everyday, along with training other people as well. I have also been reading several books a week along with learning my Japanese and Spanish languages on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, the HWA closed its doors last Tuesday. I started my career with the HWA and I hope it returns again soon in some shape or form. Hopefully we hear something from Cody Hawk soon about the return of the "HWA".

Well that is all for today. Hope to write more soon. Take a look around the new website and let me know what you think!

The Metal Master

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Welcome to the Metal Master Blog